It only took 5 months, but I finally made my first online sale from my bow store. We were so excited we celebrated with ice cream. I figured out how to do all the shipping and I tried to make good contact with the buyer so I could get good feedback. So maybe this is my big break.
Makayla has done some funny stuff recently. Last Friday she decided to be a momma and she changed Caroline's diaper during naptime because she had a poopy. Caroline woke up soaked! Makayla just couldn't understand why we were upset.
She also decided she would say the prayer for lunch the other day. And I quote "Dear God, thank you for the food, thank you for Caroline, thank you for Mommy and thank you for Coffee." She sure is smart, huh?
We spent the night with our friends this past weekend. Makayla is begining to learn that she needs to go to the bathroom during the night. She woke up and called out for some assistance and Josh went to her aid. After sitting there quite a while, Josh asked her if she really needed to go. She said no. So, Josh decided to explain an important concept to her. He said "Makayla, when you tell daddy that you need to do something and you don't do it, that's lying." To which Makayla responds, "ROOOAAR." Josh explains, "No Makayla, not lion, lying." Makayla again, "ROOOAAR." Josh puts her back to bed and comes down the stairs, I look at him and tell him I'm sure she was really affected by that lecture.
Josh has started his first full week of clinicals. He got to wear his scrubs for the first time today! He's working in a psyciatric hospital on Mondays and then a medical hospital Tuesday and Wednesday.
I am making a lot of progress on the preschool. I'm getting a lot of people interested at church and I am working on the paperwork and information for the elders so we can get this ball rolling!
Here are some random pictures from this week:
Caroline's Hair Fountain

Game Night at the Bradley's

Caroline in Mommy's Skirt

Random Picture of Makayla