Today we got to take another sneak peak of Sydney to finish the measurements we were not able to get last month. It was nice of Sydney to cooperate this time, we were glad to get a good profile shot. She's 1lb 6oz. right now and still growing a little bit small, which doesn't bother me at all! She's starting to move and kick a lot more, just not strong enough for anyone else to feel but me. I am 24 weeks today, so we are over the halfway point. There still seems like a lot to get down before she gets here, but I'm sure we will all feel better once we move in to our new house.
The girls are doing great. No big news there, just growing like weeds. Makayla can recite the Lord's Prayer thanks to her Sunday school teacher Mrs. Nancy. It is very sweet to hear and Caroline is actually catching on pretty quickly. Mak also had her first time to get taken out of service this Sunday, let me tell ya, the whole church was talking about it, but she learned her lesson. We are still very much enjoying worshiping as a family. Caroline is just a month away from turning three, such a big girl. She is enjoying dressing herself and going for rides on her bike. She tries to do everything her sister does, but she's just not quite there. The girls are such a blessing and we are enjoying watching them grow.
Everything with the house seems to be going well, we will get to see it one more time before it's ours and we move in. Packing hasn't begun yet, but we think about it.
Well, that's all until next time!