God is merciful! One week ago today I passed my kidney stone; the one the Doctor told me that I wouldn't pass! It was so wonderful! Although there was no immediate relief since I still had the stent, I cherished the emotional relief! The stone isn't dead on in the picture, cause I know I measured it at 5mm. I called the new urologist the next day at got an appointment for 12:30, which I was amazed by! He was impressed with the stone and said that since I passed it we could take the stent out. I responded with, "How about in 5 minutes?" He laughed and said we might get an appointment later that day because they needed a special room with special equipment. But do you know what? The room was ready RIGHT AWAY! I would like to say relief was immediate, but they did put a scope up my urethra. Within a couple of days I was feeling as good as new, or at least as good as someone who is 33 weeks pregnant! It has been wonderful! I feel like I am back to being part of the real world again, I was in such a stupor from the Hydrocodone and just my sour mood for 3 weeks! Of course, now is the wake up call - we are having a baby! How did we miss that? It's still not quite a reality yet that our worlds are going to be rocked in about 6 weeks. Are we really going to have baby #4? Are we that nuts? I know she will be a blessing. I've created a mental image of her and am curious to see how she matches up to what I have pictured.
In other Bradley family news:
Makayla has her last t-ball game this week, so I guess I'd REALLY need to take some pictures then, huh? It's been a fun season and I've really enjoyed her coach. Now the countdown begins for soccer, at least both Makayla and Caroline will be playing together. Makayla has also been making a point that Caroline stop calling her Kayla and to call her Mak (which is my preference for a nickname. We also bumped Makayla up to a "big girl" carseat. It's a high-back booster. She is just never gonna weigh enough for just a booster, but at least she gets to use a real carseat and can get herself buckled and unbuckled, which will be essential when Julianna gets here!
Caroline will get her booster soon. We wanted to test out Makayla's before getting two. Although, Caroline is able to buckle and unbuckle herself in her carseat. She keeps getting comments about her haircut, I guess I will have to take a better picture of it to show it off. It just really fits her face so well.
Sydney is reaching the point where she is not a baby anymore! We are weening her off of the bottle! Woohoo! She loves milk and does great with her sippy cup. Of course now, if she can't feed herself she almost rather not eat. So we are having to be creative with the foods we are serving her. Who knew mac n' cheese was a finger food! Tonite we worked together using a spoon with some fruit sauce. I had totally forgotten about this messy eating stage and am not to excited about it, but this too shall pass :) Her signal for "all done" is to throw everything on the floor, but we are working on some better options. She is also taking off with her pulling up. She's starting to "cruise" a little bit and can speed crawl with the best of them. I'm not sure that I'm ready for a walker though....
Julianna is doing great! She's running out of room, so although she is less active, she still packs the punches. Tuesday I will be 34 weeks! We are getting to the point where we actually have to think about birthing this baby (I say "we", Josh is still learning his part of the "we") Our birth plan is due at 36 weeks, but I still have some questions about the whole process. You would think by baby number 4 I would have this down....
Josh and I are doing great. He continues to be the best husband in the world. Work is still a little stressful, but we enjoy his time off together.