Wednesday, August 26, 2020

All Is Well Book Review


I could not have read this book at a more appropriate time.  If there ever was a need to be reminded ‘All is well’, now is that time!  That being said, this book covers a wide range of topics that are applicable during any season of life.  This is definitely a book that I will be reaching for again and again, highlighting different passages as I grow as an Orthodox Christian.  

Dr. Rossi is so very candid connecting his personal life to the lessons he is sharing.  This makes the book very relatable.  He also uses many quotes from scripture and the Holy Fathers. His career as a psychologist, life as a monastic, married man and father, widower, alcoholic and professor provide such an extensive range of life experiences from which he shares many truths in simple, easy to read sections.  

This is a book that can be read even if you cannot commit to long bouts of reading, which is wonderful for a busy mom like me.  It actually is probably best read in smaller chunks so that the reader can process and fully understand the wisdom of Dr. Rossi’s words. I really enjoy how simple this book is to read.  Each chapter is brief and has short anecdotal stories/thoughts that explain the topic.

I am glad to be able to add ‘All Is Well’ to my bookshelf.  I will definitely be recommending this book to friends.

I was provided with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.