Ok, so when did Caroline grow up? She's getting to be such a big girl now. She's using a spoon on her own, trying to dress herself, brushing her teeth. She's putting two words together. I mean really, I blinked and now she's almost in college! We are quickly approaching Bradley birthday season and I'm just not sure that I'm ready for this. It just seems time is going by too quickly. Next week Josh and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary! Caroline turns 2 in April and Makayla turns 3 in May (mommy has a b-day in May too, but no one really cares about that). Makayla is quickly leaving toddlerhood behind and becoming a little girl. She is loving her new Dora DVD her daddy got her and had us "chasing the babies" all the way home from church tonite (the plot of the Dora episode). She has recovered from her potty regression, we are all VERY thankful for that! Caroline is has also recovered from her stomach bug, which we are also very thankful.
In adult news... I survived my Screamfree weekend. It was my first major event as a Children's Coordinator and I think I made it through ok. No missing kids, so that's always a positive. It was a long and busy weekend, but now I move on to bigger and better things...like VBS. Josh has just a few more days and then he gets Spring Break. It couldn't come soon enough! Being in school and having a family is tough. We are started to think about life after graduations and are looking in to a couple of options that don't involve UNC. I will keep you posted on Josh's job status.
Well, I sign off with some pictures of Caroline and Mason. Hope you enjoy!

Mason helping me put the dishes away
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