So, it's been quite a while since my last post. Life has been busy, busy, busy. Two weeks ago I took the girls with me to Carolina Bible Camp. This is where I grew up going to camp. It was so much fun to introduce them to everyone and have them experience luxury camping at its finest! My biggest complaint for the week was that the cabins were too cold at night :) We made some great friends the first few hours we were there, so Makayla and Caroline were happy. We went swimming everyday, made crafts, learned Bible stories and pretended to be like the "big" campers. The girls held up pretty well for a whole week at camp. It was fun to get away for a little while and relax in the country.
Of course, while we were relaxing, Josh was studying for his last exams. Once we returned from camp Josh's family arrived and we started celebrating his graduating from Nursing School. It was a nice weekend with a sweet ceremony at UNC and fun bonding with family and friends afterwards.
When Josh's dad arrived he brought with him our new dog, Joe. Josh's dad bred their Golden Retriever and let us choose a puppy. Of course, our "little" puppy came to us at 10 weeks old weighing 20lbs! He's adorable and the girls just love him. Now if only the cat did.... Hopefully we will figure out how to upload some footage of Joe and Mason (the cat) "playing" together.
So now Josh and I are enjoying the time that we have together until his new job begins September 21st. He still has to take and pass the NCLEX (state board exam for nursing), so he does have to study some and I do have to work some, but other than that, we are going to just relax and have fun, and of course...go to Disney World!
Here are some of the highlights of our week at camp. I will post graduation pics and dog pics soon!

Caroline lookin' cool in Beth's glasses and Aleena's Shoes

During the week Beth and I competed to have our kids look the cutest. Beth tried to sabotage the competition one morning by putting tons of bows in Caroline's hair. It backfired, everyone thought she was cute anyways :) I think we know who won the competition!

Makayla's hair all braided for her first slumber party

Makayla's kinky hair in the morning. Too bad it only lasted until we went outside!

Big fun during craft time!

The fish was a hot item in the pool!

Group shot at our last meal at camp

This picture is fuzzy, but all the pre-campers are singing "Jesus Loves Me" for the campers. Makayla and her friend Kaylyn liked to sing solos for the campers at meal time, so at lunch on Friday all the pre-campers sang together.
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