So here are the snow pictures from our first snow this season. It snowed this weekend, but since it was just mom in charge, we enjoyed it from a distance.
There are no pictures of Sydney yet, believe it or not, the dog ate them. No worries, there were really bad pictures, even for ultrasound. Sydney did not want to look at the camera. We go back in March and get another ultra sound, so hopefully those pictures will turn out better. But the ultrasound did look good and she's growing great!
We are under contract with a house. We are soooo very excited because it has been our favorite house all along. We close April 12th and move Caroline's b-day weekend. The girls keep asking about their new house and I tell them we have to pack everything up first before we can move. I don't think they quite understand, but I know they will be very excited to have a BIG backyard to play with and lots of friends their age close by to play with. If you are interesting in pics, e-mail me and I will send you the link.
Other than that, there is not much going on. How could there be!!! Baby, house, two kids, jobs, we don't have much room for more, but couldn't be happier where we are.
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