This week we have started a wonderful curriculum that I just happened to stumble upon while looking for some resources for teaching Bible class. We had been doing some simple theme units
manipulatives that I was checking out for the
Johnston County Partnership for Children (click to check out their stuff!) It's so nice to have a place to check out tons of things for the girls, even Sydney! This group has a membership fee which is pretty minimal. While we are still doing theme units we have added some simple, yet powerful, curriculum called
Raising Rock Star Preschool. You must check out this site! She has so many tools not just for preschool, but for toddlers and early elementary. We have been having a BLAST this week and I, for once, feel like I can actually do this
homeschool thing!

To start off we needed some
Popsicle sticks for one of our
activities. The girls were so glad to be able to assist me in my quest for
Popsicle sticks. They humbly and happily ate some
Popsicles for me :)

Here is
Makayla working on some letter tracing for the letter Ll that we are learning about this week. I have our worksheets in page protectors so we waste less paper and I can use the same sheet for all 4 kiddos! We use dry erase markers and wipe when we're done. This is a technique that I picked up while tutoring at
Huntington Learning Center.

Caroline is concentrating very hard at cutting out our Ll words for the week. I had to reprint this page since she is still working on her cutting technique :), but it was good practice! The website recommends putting the word cards in a baseball card pockets, which I happened to have from my
couponing days. It makes it easy to save and flip through each letter!

Here is Caroline working on a puzzle during center time. Thanks to some generous folks that Josh works with for donating some
homeschool supplies to us! I don't know what we would do without them!

Sydney is learning how to be a lady by balancing a cup on her head at dinner...
ok, not really, but it was pretty funny so I had to snag a picture!

Posing pretty to show off our Calendar Time. Our friends from church gave us the magnetic calendar. Since my background is in teaching I have a fun little routine we do almost each day to work on months, days, seasons and such. I was blessed to have a great Kindergarten student teaching placement.

Each week there is a new sight word to learn. I was
soooo impressed at how quickly the girls grasped the concept of a sight word! This week we learned the word "See." This picture shows Caroline reading our "I See" book.

Here is
Makayla reading. Notice she's in
Jammies! Isn't
homeschool life great!

Each week there is a verse to memorize that starts with the letter of the week. This week it was, Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. Matthew 5:16. It's nice to help me learn new scripture as well as placing those seeds in my girls hearts. This picture is the girls coloring their verse.

Our theme unit this week has been the Food Pyramid. I wish I had more pictures of the fun we have been having with that. The girls say we have a "fun house" with all the posters and toys we have for this unit. On this day we studied the fruit group so we made some fruit smoothies for lunch. I think they enjoyed them!

She might not look happy, but Sydney enjoyed hers too!

To practice our verse and cutting skills, the girls cut out our verse and taped it together and used the verse to measure things around this house. This week our verse was longer than Caroline!
Makayla really enjoyed the measuring and had fun going around the house measuring just about everything.
Some things that don't have pictures
Since there were so many resources available for this weeks theme unit, I was able to do centers with the girls after our lessons. We had sorting baskets of food by color, food hand puppets, a Food Pyramid chart where the girls got to put the right foods in the right part of the pyramid. We moved the toy kitchen out of their room and the girls could play with tons of food as we learned about each section of the pyramid. I also made some sorting activities in file folder games, not as popular, but still fun. We listened to some silly food music that came with our kits from the Partnership for Children while we played.
Another perk of the Partnership is once a month they do a story time and activity. It is sponsored by Target and they provided a copy of the book for each family. The girls had a great time meeting new friends, hearing the story and making a craft. Since the story was about a Hen, the farm and her chicks we decided we needed to go and visit the chicks for sale at the local hardware store. They loved it! Although, I was disappointed that they added a "No Touch" sign that was not there the time that I went to check things out. We also took some time to wander through the plants, as I am trying to teach them the names of different flowers.
Non-school Activities
"The Bean" aka Sydney has cut one of her top teeth. The second should be coming any time now. She has also been able to pull herself up at least two times that I have witnessed and crawled on her hands and knees across the room!
We also got the call that Makayla's T-ball season starts this Saturday, so we are gearing up for practice!
Phew...what a busy week!
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