Makayla a few days after her birth wearing the same dress that her mommy wore on the way home from the hosptial.

Makayla's First Birthday
Makayla's 2nd birthday
Makayla 3 yrs. old
Makayla 4 yrs. old
Josh and I decided that 5 was a good age to start birthday parties. So this year was Makayla's first year to have some friends over for cake and ice cream. I actually had a lot more fun getting ready for the party than I thought I would. We had a good, simple time celebrating with just a few friends, but making some great memories.
Makayla got a big girl bike for her birthday, which we have yet to get pictures of her riding. She is enjoying the fact that she is such a big girl. She often points out what makes her so big, even making good choices in her words and actions. She's becoming a good little helper around the house (how many more years until she can mow the lawn and fold laundry?)
We started t-ball this year, this Saturday is her first game, I will be sure to get some pictures. She is getting some of the basics of the game such as catching and hitting, but running bases and fielding are a stretch.
Makayla is doing fabulous with her school work! She catches on very quickly and is eager to learn. She is often asking how to spell words and likes to make books and write things out.
Here are a few pictures of the party before it started:
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