Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fire Department Field Trip

We had our second homeschool group field trip a week ago.  This time we got to go see the Fire Department.  Maybe it was because it was in a small town, but it was not as professionally set up as the Police Department was.  It's a good thing that I don't have to rely on good grammar if my kids are in a fire!  All in all, the kids enjoyed themselves and it served as a good reminder to prepare are kids in case there is a fire in our house.

This would be the only picture I took during the tour.  Caroline has deemed herself the field trip photographer, so my camera rights were quickly revoked.  Here the girls are enjoying a sneak peak at the monitors used for tracking calls, weather and such.  I am thankful I have only one computer screen to deal with on my desk!

The inside actually looked very much like the inside of a house.  There was a full kitchen and living room and a few bedrooms too.  I guess since they work 24 hour shifts it's nice to have a bed around if there are no calls.

I just love being reminded of what things look like from a 5 year old perspective.  This is Caroline's shot of the fireman speaking in the conference room. 

Sticker badges are a must at any public safety event!

Here is the fire man all geared up.  He showed us how he gets dressed.  There are so many different layers!  I forget exactly, but I think his gear adds about 50lbs. And then they have to go fight a fire! 

I thought this was truly smart thinking!  It never crossed my mind about kids being scared of a fireman, but it totally makes sense!  Especially when they talk to you, they sound like an astronaut!  So, after getting all dressed for a fire, the fireman went around and shook (or at least attempted) all the kids hands.  This way they could realize that he is a friendly person and here to help. 
We also learned all sorts of handy fire safety tips that we reviewed once we got home.

 An old time fire truck.

Both my big girls took turns climbing through the fire truck.

Of course, Sydney was being her 2 yr. old self and didn't want to be in the picture, so here are 3 of my girls :)

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