Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our Little Family

We have 5, FIVE, daughters!  When and how did that happen? We are still in shock and awe of the blessings with which we have been entrusted.  Life is a pleasant, but sometimes crazy, busy; filled with lots of diapers and dishes, laundry and laughter, crying and chatter, playing and peace.  I am in love with my little family!
I have finally been able to get out of the house some.  I was so thankful to be Churched (a little "ceremony" where the Priest welcomes a new mother back to services) this past Sunday.  Although a bit crazy (there are no nurseries in the Orthodox church), it was so nice to be back worshipping as a family with our "family."
I have also been able to start school back with Makayla and Caroline.  It adds a nice business and structure to our day.  I know the girls enjoy having some constructive to do and I like that they are kept busy with some worthwhile.  They have been such GREAT helpers this time around, getting my breakfast ready and even attempting to prepare a bottle (without being asked...)  Even Sydney is ready to insert a paci any time Abby lets out a whimper.
Sydney is getting more and more independent everyday.  "No Help" is heard often as she attempts to clothe herself and drink from a big girl cup.  She is not yet willing to perform on the potty yet, but once she decides to, I think it will come quickly for her.  She is so sweet and kind, always thinking of others and being willing to help.  She still loves her "dee-dee" (blanky) and carries it around with her throughout the day.  She will leave it in the car when asked (thankfully!)
Julianna has surprised us all by starting to pull up in her crib!  She has been seen crawling a few steps from time to time.  We are pleased with the progress we are seeing in her gross motor skills.  She likes to feed herself, including spaghetti, so meals are a pretty messy time, but any help we can get from her is great!
Abigail poops, pees, eats and sleeps :)  A few weeks ago some friends from church came over and did a photo shoot, so I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures that they sent me.  If you like their work and would like to schedule your own photo shoot, check out their websites: and