Monday, August 25, 2008

Visiting Meemaw and Papa

During Josh's break for the summer (3 whole weeks!) we decided to go visit Josh's family in Ohio. So we packed up the kids and drove the 8 hours to Xenia, Ohio. We had a fun week with his family, playing in the pool, visiting Amish country, and oh yeah, getting into a car accident. Josh's parents had a wonderful time spoiling their grandkids, taking them to the fair and having slumber parties without mom and dad. Josh and I were able to spend the night in a hotel and go to a drive in movie. The girls got to experience Young's Dairy, eating plenty of ice animals. We had a great visit and look forward to our trip to Ohio!

1 comment:

Meemaw said...

What beautiful girls!! We miss you. Love, Meemaw & Pappa