Friday, June 7, 2013

March in our Home

It's only June!  It's not too late to share about our March, right?!  I'll be skipping April and heading straight to May next...such is life...
This is our 200lb wheat order.  Anything that requires flour, this is what I use.  I try to make as much as I can from scratch, but I'm still learning.  I do make all of our own bread and pizza dough.  I'm working on tortillas and would like to expand to hamburger and hot dog buns.  I plan on attempting more sprouting soon, maybe some soaking as well...when I have to time :)

Is that my husband in a Yakama?  Why, yes, it is!  Our neighbor turned 13 and we were invited to his Bar Mitzvah.  The husband is a Messianic Jew.  It was a very neat service!  It was an interesting mix of Jewish tradition with Christian influence.

The girls had a great time at the party afterwards. Once they warmed up, you couldn't get them off the dance floor!  

My sweet Babby.  I cannot remember at all what cute things she was doing in March, so wait for the May post and I'll catch you up then :)

Julianna cooking some eggs (no worries, the pan is empty and the stove is off)

Julianna sweeping the floor.

Julianna feeding Abby.  Do you think she likes to play house?  Just a friendly reminder they are always watching!

Sydney wearing her baby just like mommy!

The big girls got to go to a real Theater and see a play.  This one was based off of Rapunzel.

Caroline got to go visit our friend who just had a baby.  She is such a little mommy and loves to hold and play with babies!

Makayla was hit by a car in our neighborhood.  She only had some minor bruising and scratches.  Our sweet neighbor down the street brought us this Barbie with a homemade dress to help make her feel better.  So sweet!

For our history lesson we brought in a real Archaeologist to tell us about what they do.  She had some great things to show and tell us. 

Looking at fossils and artifacts.

Makayla dressed and ready for a dig.

To celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary Josh and I went to Charlotte for some R & R, if you can call racing 4 miles in the rain, cold and mud R &R.  We decided to go for "Something Different" for lunch :)

We visited St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church for their Friday Akathist service.  It was a beautiful church and fun to experience the Greek side of Orthodoxy.

We stopped at a used book store, it was crammed with books!  Readers paradise!

Krispy Kreme!

And of course a trip to Charlotte isn't complete without a stop at Ikea!

Pre-Race happy faces.

Post-Race sad faces.  It was a fun race, but SUPER cold, we were chattering for 2 hours afterwards!

My monkey Caroline

The girls helped me plant some seeds for the garden.

We made some homemade playdough for the babies to play with and the big girls to my hieroglyphics.

And finally, here is Juls picking up eggs at my parent's Easter (protestant style).  

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