Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Obedience and Repetion

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One of the first things that can be noticed about the Orthodox church is the amount of repetition.  Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.
This is sung countless times throughout each service. 
There are even times when it is chanted 40 times in succession.
Not only that, but each year is repeated Liturgically, so we celebrate and fast at about the same times year after year. 
When it comes to living life and obeying God, I could use a little bit of repetition.  It is so easy to forget that helpful point in the homily, or even the pleadings of morning prayers just minutes after they are completed. 
Lately, I have been pondering the amount of services that I attend with my children.  Managing 5 small kiddos at church is no easy task.  Thank God for a wonderful church family, or it couldn't be done!
But there are still times, no matter whose arms they are in, only Momma will do. 
And then there are many times I am at church as a single momma due to Josh's work schedule. 
Some services I probably make it only 5 minutes actually in the service, let alone actually hearing what is being said. 
I am learning to listen quite intently when I have the chance and to be thankful that most things are repeated so that I can have a chance to hear them again.
But to be honest, I just get weary sometimes. 
Loading up all the kids, packing all the diaper/formula bags, remembering all the blankies, etc. just to struggle through a service without ending up crying myself can sometimes be a toss-up in my head.
So why do I even bother?
Obedience and Repetition.
Because someday, my kids WILL sit quietly through service.
Someday my kids are going to understand what is being said/prayed during service.
Someday my kids are going to pray along with service.
Someday my kids are going to grow up and leave my house and have the choice of whether they are going to go to church or stay home. 
I want them to know that this life, this Orthodox thing, it's who we are, it's what we do. 
It's not something that we do when we feel like it or want to. 
It's not always easy.
But it's not about us, it's about God.
So regardless of how much I feel like going to as many services as possible, I continue to go because I want to obey God.  I need the repetition, not just for myself, but for the eternity of my children.
*This blog post was inspired by a homily by Fr. Stephen Rogers on Ancient Faith Radio, entitled Obedience and Repetition

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