Saturday, January 3, 2009

A family that prays together...

My family gave me the most wonderful surprise tonight. Here I was thinking I was treating Josh to a night out just the two of us for one last meal before I leave, and he detours to my parents house. I think nothing of it because we go there all the time. When I get there, I see my brothers car, which is also not a surprise because he's often there too. Not long after we arrive my sister comes over with her kids. What a coincidence that we all show up at the same time! Well, little did I know, my dad had organized the whole thing. I got a little nervous when he started talking about good health in the family, thinking he had some terrible announcement to make. But, to my surprise the special occasion was just for me. He spoke from the heart about my surgery and his fears and prayers for me and then opened it up for my family to share some encouragement. Josh said some kind words and then our family gathered to pray. It was so encouraging to me and gave me much peace. I really appreciate the effort that was put into getting our whole family together to pray over me. Thanks guys! We also had some friends come over to watch the girls tonite so we could go out, and they too prayed over me before they left. It's such a special gift and bond to share among friends and family and I'm so thankful to know that I have many people praying for me while I undergo surgery.

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