Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Fertile Ground Review

When I first heard last November that there was going to be an Orthodox book about pregnancy and childbirth, I was instantly intrigued and anxiously awaiting its arrival.  I am the mother of 6 daughters and have been studying birth work. Not only have I birthed my own children, but I look forward to my own Doula work in the future. I enjoy learning more about birth and pregnancy, and this book was a wonderful addition to my birthing library.
Right away, one of the things I appreciated was how all birthing/parenting methods were acknowledged and explained.  This book does not offer a one way option for birthing, instead it presents a mother’s options and beautifully explains the symbolism through the Christian faith.  Each step of the pregnancy/birth is highlighted in easy to read, week-by-week chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of the women’s current experiences. I genuinely enjoyed how Laura painted such a spiritual perspective of pregnancy and childbirth.  It is truly amazing the growth and transformation a woman experiences spiritually in the birthing years. Laura perfectly describes the ascetic struggle that women must embrace during this incredible season of life. Even though I am not currently expecting, I was able to feel encouragement for my current stage of motherhood and strength to embrace another day.
It is very clear that not only does the author have a full knowledge of the birthing process through hands on experience,  but she also has a wonderful knowledge of birthing according to Biblical examples, with wisdom from the Church Fathers, backed by scientific evidence.  I enjoyed reading her experiences, both personal and through her work as a doula. Her use of scripture and quotes from the Fathers were encouraging and informative.  She also gives extremely practical knowledge of how to endure pregnancy and effective tools to have the childbirth experience that you desire. This book is an important tool for any  woman’s pregnant journey. I look forward to giving this book as a gift to the pregnant mothers at my church, as well as my own daughters some day.

*I received an advanced copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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