Saturday, January 19, 2013

Homemade Corn Dogs

 Who doesn't love a good corn dog?  That crunchy outside with the surprise of a salty hot dog in the middle covered with ketchupy goodness!  YUM!  Unfortunately, corn dogs are usually store bought and frozen, hardly healthy and nutritious!  All those yucky preservatives and chemical, blek! 
I was so happy when I found this recipe at one of my new FAVORITE blogs, Heavenly Homemakers.  She just seems to have all the right recipes for our family!  This is not the last time you will be hearing about one of her recipes! 
This is such a simple, novel idea on how to make natural, whole foods corn dogs for your family. It is SOOO easy!  I did find that her recipe was a double batch for our family, so following her suggestion, I just froze the extra.  The entire recipe only uses 8 hot dogs!  So to think that I had half to freeze!  What a money saving meal!

I also modified her recipe and used my mini loaf pan for the bigger bellies in our house (ie: Josh and Emily).  I was able to use half a hot dog instead of just a third.  These are perfect for the days I forget to make extra food for Josh to bring to lunch the next day. He can just stick a couple of these in his lunch box and take them to work!  (As long as it's not a Wednesday or Friday, as those are typically fasting days :) 
Unfortunately, my mini loaf pan bit the dust after making these (which is probably good, since it was full of aluminum anyways), so I am going to have to find an alternative....maybe Pampered Chef????
Here is our full meal! This is all that one batch made us, only 8 hot dogs.  So easy and satisfying! Served with baked beans, carrots or even some mac n cheese.

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