Monday, January 28, 2013

Whey to go!

Since I have started making my own baby formula I have had to learn a few things about raw milk.  I did not grow up with dairy cows, so even trying to figure out how to separate milk and cream is a new one for me (which is the easiest part of working with milk, in my opinion)! 
Another task I must perform with my raw milk is separating it into curds and whey.  The curds can be used for making various cheeses and sour cream, the whey is used for formula.  I could also use it for fermenting, but I am NOT there yet!
After trying a few different cheating options to get my whey, I finally submitted to Sally Fallon in her cookbook Nourishing Traditions and decided to do it her whey..I mean way...
Just so you know what NOT to do, I tried just scooping out the cream and then straining the whey, that didn't work because there are still little pieces that get through.  I also tried doing things quicker by putting the milk in the cloth and then squeezing it out.  Still doesn't work because there is some cream that escapes and it gets rather messy...
So, the picture above is what I concocted to separate my whey from the curds.  Before taking this picture I have left the milk sitting in a bowl on the counter for a few days, 1-4 Sally says.  I then laid my cloth in a bowl, actually, the measuring cup you see pictured.  I poured all of the contents of the bowl into the cloth and tied it up with a rubber band.  Then I slipped the rubber band onto a wooden spoon and hung it on my cabinets over my bowl.  My bowl was a little short, so I flipped a mixing bowl upside down to bring it closer to the dropping whey. 
That's it.  You just wait for gravity to do it's thing.  It took a couple of hours for all of the dripping to stop.  I poured my whey into a glass jar and stored it in the fridge.
Whey cool!
Whey to go!
Which way did the whey go?
Get out of my whey!
No Whey! maybe I like the word wheeeeeyyy too much :)

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