Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lent is a Family Affair

Obviously, as the mother of 5 daughters, pretty much everything in my life for a while is going to be a "family affair."  It is pretty much the accepted norm at our house that you never get to leave the house alone. 
Going to store?  GREAT!  Take two kids with you. 
Going to pick up a movie?  Who's riding? 
Visiting a friend?  Make sure you pack toys for the kiddos.
It's just a fact of life. 
I accept it.
And they are my kids, I did CHOOSE to have them, so I do kinda like to have them around.

But that's not what I am talking about right now.

This morning was our monthly Akathist for our children at our Parish.  Since most of us have children tag-a-longs, we often stay after and let the kiddos play while we moms chat.  Today was one of those days. 
It was good for my soul.
It is stressful to me as a mother sometimes trying to figure out all of this Orthodoxy stuff.  While a Protestant, I felt like I "knew" everything, or at least what to expect.  Orthodoxy is not so simple.  I have no idea what's going on!  I am constantly watching others to make sure I am understanding what's going on.  It is a daily learning process and it doesn't leave much room for getting ahead.  I feel like the blind leading the blind.  Which can be quite an uncomfortable place when parenting.
But today I had a good heart check.
"Enjoy Lent"
"Don't make it so complicated"
Honest and helpful words of advice from my friends.  It was so nice to get to sit down and just share some mental anguish and then have loving advice from people who have been there and done that many times!  I love how there are so many people that are looking after me and guiding me through this foreign process with loving arms. 
One of my favorite reminders was that Lent is a family affair.  We are a church body, we are all experiencing this together, as a family.  If life is too stressful and I can't make it to a service, don't worry, your friend is there and is praying for you.  The church gives us beautiful guidelines to follow, together.  This is not an independent race, we cannot receive the full benefit alone.  It is always more fun to train with friends! 
I have no idea what kind of spiritual endurance I am in for this Lent, but I am very much so looking forward to sharing it with my family.

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